Curation & Projects
During the course of my time at Pembroke College, I curated three displays for memebers of College.
In 2024, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the printing of Shakespeare's First Folio, I designed a display showcasing the interntional impact across media that the Bard's work has had.
In 2023, I curated a display of Pembroke's early involvement in Cambridge University Press.
In 2021, my first display focused on spooky books that I had found within my first several months of cataloguing Pembroke's collection which is largely not available by digital record.
Upon returning to Manchester in 2021, while awaiting my work visa, I volunteered at the Portico Library. The Portico Library was opened in 1806 and its collection developed around the member-reader requests, creating a largely unchanged historic collection representing Manchester's readerly interests in the 19th century as it developed into an internationally impactful city.
In addition to learning about and assisting with collection conservation, I began compiling and cataloguing the folklore material housed in this library.
Co-curated a program of 16mm films (2013)
I acted as Professor Rosemarie McGerr's research assistant, aiding her in curating "The Performative Book", which ran in the Lilly Library from Jan. 14- May 4, 2016.
"The Performative Book celebrates the medieval book, the transition to print that fostered the exploration of the Americas, and modern works that rediscover medieval texts as sources of artistic inspiration. The manuscripts and books on display were made to guide the performance of worship and music, to show the results of artistic performance, to express medieval visions of individual identity, and to inform a new view of the world through images such as maps. The exhibition also includes modern books inspired by the study of medieval and early modern literature. Overall, the exhibition testifies to the performative power of books to shape the lives of readers and listeners: books were used to lay claim to divine grace, establish interpersonal bonds, defend legal rights, or serve as markers of power and prestige. An interactive touchscreen exhibit and iPods holding audio of musical performances and spoken word will extend the visitor experience of The Performative Book. A program of public events to accompany the exhibition includes several lectures, student workshops, a concert, and several films."
Researched, catalogued, and provided metadata for the Senator Vance Hartke Collection at the Indiana University Moving Image Archive. Hartke (1919-2003) was a Democratic Senator from Indiana, serving from 1959-1977, and a graduate of Indiana University.
Catalogued, rehoused, quality controlled, and provided minor conservation on John Boorman's personal projection print collection, acquired by the Lilly Library, under the custodianship of the Moving Image Archive.
Adding a bit of leader (blank film) to Boorman's Excalibur so that it maintains projectability. (2016)